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We offer comprehensive energy management monitoring tools, backed by a team of professionals including energy auditors and engineers. We ensure your facilities managers have all the energy management tools they need to efficiently and effectively operate your building.

Our systems can precisely track and then automatically bill tenants for after-hours energy consumption. Optimum Start ensures tenant comfort at occupancy while minimizing equipment run-time; Demand Limiting reduces peak demand charges from the utility provider; and Energy Logging enables you to monitor all types of energy usage including electric, gas, hot water and chilled water.


Energy Services

We have developed unique energy services-based Building Management System (BMS) maintenance and tuning programs where we actively tune and report on your facility’s energy performance and comfort levels. We provide energy efficient buildings with improved indoor air quality and a comfortable customer environment.

Our performance is measured against pre-defined energy Key Performance Indicators.


Energy services include:

  • BMS recommissioning
  • Retrofits
  • Lighting systems
  • Controls calibrations
  • BMS upgrades
  • Measurement & Verification (M&V) solutions


Energy Management System:

We have applied experience and knowledge to stay ahead of the competition of Energy Management System (EMS).

The easy-to-manage user interface, powerful reporting capabilities and remote monitoring allows facility owners and building managers to make decisions based on real-time building performance.


 The main features of our EMS include:

  • Real time and historical energy use Monitoring & Verifications (M&V)
  • Highly scalable system architecture for single to multiple buildings
  • Metering integrations: gas, water, electricity on Modbus, BACnet®, and other protocols.
  • Integrated BMS via BACnet® with built-in graphic user interface (GUI)
  • Demand-side energy management
  • Remote access: flexible, secure web-based monitoring
  • Scrolling screens: live performance data in dashboards for tenants and public on digital display
  • Tenant billing for energy usage by zone and tariff period, and
  • Energy level tracking and reports and scenario simulator